Tapping our way to the future!

And….we’re back! An awful lot has gone on since we last had the chance to meet in beautiful Victoria Park; it’s still as pretty as we remember and we can’t wait for our turn to put our Home County spin on that magical space, once again. Forty-seven times and counting.

Home County has always been very dependent on our dedicated Festival-goers embracing their need to support our Admission by Donation program; if everyone gives a little - everyone benefits a lot. Unlike other Festivals which can control the venue and charge an admission fee, Home County relies on your support to make up a significant portion of our annual funding. We hope the Festival we have prepared for you this year will be worthy of your continued support.

As the Donations Coordinator, I have been worrying over the continued move away from cash. Some people never carry it while others use it daily. We want to make it simpler for everyone to participate in our Admission by Donation program. While we will always pass the buckets for cash donations at the Festival, this year we’re excited to announce the addition of a tap-based donation system! Home County supporters can safely and simply tap their debit or credit cards at one of six locations throughout the park – all four corners and at the bandshell. By tapping either $5, $10 or $20 you can support the Festival and help to ensure that we can continue to bring you free, live music in the Park for years to come! 

Covid has had a serious impact on our traditional funding sources; all levels of governments have had less money for their support initiatives which has meant smaller slices of the pie to those receiving. Even as ‘things return to normal’, we expect that the reduced government funding will be a reality for years ahead. So now, more than ever, we ask you to support our Admission by Donation program by tapping us a tip or tossing in your cash! Give us your best and we will give you our best!


Chuck Reid, Donations Coordinator


Membership Matters!


Comings and Goings